Your Story Series: Meet Julie

4 min read
Your Story Series: Meet Julie
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What is your name? 

Hello, my name is Julie Scammell. 

Describe yourself in 3 to 5 words.

Loving. Caring. Mother. Wife.

How did you discover your skin cancer / melanoma / skin condition and how long ago?

I discovered my condition in 2014/2015. I noticed a sore on my front hairline/scalp which never seemed to get better. It would bleed, scab, bleed again. Never actually healing.

As I had my hair coloured and styled each month at the hairdresser, I thought my stylist must have been a bit rough on the blow drying fringe section and scratched my head with the curling brush. However, I noticed a parting starting to emerge where the sore was.

A visit to my doctor ended up with appointment to dermatologist who diagnosed Basal Cell Carcinomas. In June 2018 my plastic surgeon cut away the rodent ulcers. It was an unpleasant, anxious experience. One which I do not want to have again. However, I have been told after having had them once, they will probably return, in the same area, so I check myself regularly.

What is your attitude towards sun protection today?

I put on my high factor sun cream, (I use it everyday of the year). Always wear my sun hat out in any sun. And sunglasses to protect my eyes. I cover up my skin by wearing Solbari clothing.

What would you tell your 16-year-old self about sun protection?

As I never really sun bathed in my younger days, I can’t really say when the damage occurred. So I can’t say anything to my younger self about being safe in the sun because I actually thought I was.

Now I wear my protective clothing from Solbari, and I absolutely love them. They keep me cool, protected and stylish to wear. And as I no longer dye my hair, they look great on a grey haired 57 year old.

Thank you Julie for helping raise awareness for skin cancer, melanoma and skin conditions, and sharing your story with us and our Solbari Community.

The Solbari Team

Content Disclaimer: This website pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion about med­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. All content and media on the Solbari website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should seek professional advice.

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